SMA opens Netherlands Office, names Rinske Harlaar as Director of SMA NL.


SMA Is proud to announce the official opening of our Netherlands office, SMA NL, headed by attorney Rinske Harlaar. Due to SMA’s strong relationship with the Dutch business community, we believe it is time to provide local counsel to our clients and be able to continue to provide services on all U.S. immigration matters. […]

SMA opens Netherlands Office, names Rinske Harlaar as Director of SMA NL.2024-01-04T14:06:20-05:00

The Numbers Don’t Add Up


As of the end of May 2020, 40 million new Americans have filed for unemployment since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out.

As part of President Trump’s deflect and re-direct strategy for re-casting doubts on his efficacy in handling this pandemic, he has also added scapegoating “the other” as part of his way of obviating blame […]

The Numbers Don’t Add Up2023-09-01T12:55:33-04:00
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