SMA Video Testimonials
SMA Video Testimonials
The Ortegas were all U.S. citizens, from their grandfather, Joaquin Sr., to his son, Joaquin Jr. and Jr.’s wife Laura, and their three kids, including 17-year old Joaquin III. What made this family unique was that they were all U.S. citizens, but they were all born in, and still living in, the Dominican Republic.
Supermodel Megan Williams talks about working with Attorney and Immigration Expert Steve Maggi, who got her self-sponsored EB-1 extraordinary ability green card case approved.
We are thankful for our amazing clients who are kind enough to explain their process and successful journey with us at SMA Law Firm led by Steve Maggi, an immigration expert.
Steve Maggi and SMA Law Firm helped Julia get her self-sponsored EB-1 Extraordinary Ability Green Card.
A very satisfied client of SMA Immigration Law Firm describes how Steve Maggi made the extension on E3 Visa possible.
5-time Latin Grammy Award winner Alex Campos thanks Immigration Expert Steve Maggi for successfully handling all the visas for his upcoming tours.
A thankful client of Immigration Expert Steve Maggi explains how, considering his petition was filed during an anti-immigration administration, SMA got it done!
A thankful client’s wife of Immigration Expert Steve Maggi explains how, considering his petition was filed during an anti-immigration administration, SMA got it done!
The Global HR Director from Joe & The Juice discusses their working relationship with their immigration attorney Steve Maggi. SMA has processed all their L-1 visas including a successful blanket petition.
Lucy tells her story about how Immigration Expert Steve Maggi helped convert her O-1 Visa into an EB-1 and Green Card.
Steve Maggi helps this couple obtain an immigrant spouse visa.
Kea Chan discusses her O-1 Visa process with Steve Maggi, founder of SMA Immigration Law Firm.
A satisfied SMA Law Firm client explains how she got her Immigration Petition completed by Immigration Expert Steve Maggi and team in record time all at the height of the Covid19 pandemic.
Jessica Rae Taylor discusses her O-1 visa renewal process and her working with Steve Maggi, Esq.
Robert R. Blume, President/Managing Partner, New York, Los Angeles discusses how Steve Maggi has helped his firm and clients.
Steve Maggi helped the journalist Britt Wray obtain an extraordinary talent visa O-1.
(Spanish) Argentino le otorgan visa después de ser deportado con la ayuda de Steve Maggi.
SMA Client discusses his 5+ year collaboration with the firm, including an L-1 visa, an approved EB-1 case and a pending adjustment to green card.
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(The non-refundable fee for a 30-minute case review with Attorney Steve Maggi is $300. Case review must be pre-paid. There is currently a two week wait period.)