What is actually happening with the “mass deportations” and “immigration crackdown” so far?


What is actually happening with the “mass deportations” and “immigration crackdown” so far?

1. 8,000 people have been detained so far as part of the Trump administration’s “targeted enforcement”. These high-end criminals with outstanding arrest warrants are called the “worst of the worst”.

My take: This means approximately 4,000 people are being […]

What is actually happening with the “mass deportations” and “immigration crackdown” so far?2025-02-06T10:51:09-05:00

Remembering Steve Cozzi, an amazing lawyer and friend


Steve Cozzi was one of those rare people you meet in life that made you want to get to know them well, all with a handshake and a few minutes of conversation. He radiated kindness, sincerity, empathy, and genuine nature, and he believed steadfastly in justice and that the law was a positive force […]

Remembering Steve Cozzi, an amazing lawyer and friend2024-11-05T11:25:08-05:00

From US citizens to Personas Non Grata to US citizens again


The Ortegas were all U.S. citizens, from the grandfather, Joaquin Sr., to his son, Joaquin Jr., and Jr.’s wife, Laura, and their three kids, including 17-year-old Joaquin III. What made this family unique was that they were all U.S. citizens, but they were all born in, and still living in, the Dominican Republic.

Joaquin Jr. […]

From US citizens to Personas Non Grata to US citizens again2024-11-05T13:30:19-05:00

Why “Rock Stars” Deserve Green Cards Too!


The recent Super Bowl ad, which had the godfather of heavy metal, Ozzy Osbourne, and Paul Stanley, the face of glam rock, objecting to the use of the term “Rock Star” for non-music-related overachievers was proof positive of the modern-day ubiquity of the term to connote being at the top of your field.

In 2017, […]

Why “Rock Stars” Deserve Green Cards Too!2024-11-05T13:34:49-05:00

Yes, this is about Illegal Aliens and Dinosaurs


Two years after his inauguration, when he called for immigration reform and asked for $3.5 billion to strengthen the border, it took a humanitarian crisis of epic proportions to finally force President Biden to get on Air Force One and see the real-world effect of his administration’s failure to devise a coherent and actionable […]

Yes, this is about Illegal Aliens and Dinosaurs2024-11-05T13:59:38-05:00

Making The Immigration Process Prohibitively Expensive – Is this the right way to curb immigration?


Have you ever heard of pork-barrel legislation? Do you know where the money that taxpayers pay goes? If you take the time to read through an entire bill that is signed into law that has anything to do with spending or budgets, you will be amazed to find line items that have absolutely nothing […]

Making The Immigration Process Prohibitively Expensive – Is this the right way to curb immigration?2024-11-05T14:22:40-05:00

Martin Luther King Jr. Day; An Important Day for Reflection on the Struggle to Achieve Equal Rights in America.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day serves as an annual reminder of what happened in this country, so we don’t forget. It is a day for all people who live in the U.S., whether White, Black, Asian, Latino, or any other background, to reflect on what this day means. In November 2020, I took a […]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day; An Important Day for Reflection on the Struggle to Achieve Equal Rights in America.2023-12-18T10:06:54-05:00

US Government’s Discrimination of Foreign Nationals in 2021


We watch the news each day and we see a common theme in America: Marginalized groups want what they deserve: to receive the same treatment and protections as allowed by law, which translates into equal opportunities. The reality is that minorities and women do not receive the same treatment and that the law does […]

US Government’s Discrimination of Foreign Nationals in 20212024-12-02T13:52:12-05:00

Going Down with the Ship by Steve Maggi


What does a great leader do in times of turmoil and adversity? Whatever your answer might be to that question, it is probably not that they find a scapegoat and start a hateful campaign to punish that scapegoat in all the ways they can to deflect attention being placed on them and do things […]

Going Down with the Ship by Steve Maggi2024-12-02T14:20:52-05:00

The hardest year in half a century for immigrants

The holidays are here and another year is about to come and go, but 2019 has been the hardest year in half a century for immigrants. The current administration has denied visas at astronomically rising levels and this had led to a drop in visa petitions being presented etc., a vicious circle which feeds […]
The hardest year in half a century for immigrants2024-12-04T10:18:19-05:00
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