What is an E2 Visa?


The E2 visa is a type of U.S. visa that allows individuals from treaty countries to enter, reside, and work in the United States based on their investment in a U.S. business. To qualify for this visa, the individual must:

  1. Be a national of a treaty country: The U.S. has treaties with various countries […]
What is an E2 Visa?2024-04-29T14:43:34-04:00

New York City’s Zoo-like status has reached its highest chaos level ever


Scorpions, the greatest rock band of all time, wrote a song about New York City at the beginning of the 80s, appropriately titled “The Zoo.” New York City has always prided itself on being the most chaotic and unbridled city in America, perhaps the world. Now, it has upped its game, becoming the center […]

New York City’s Zoo-like status has reached its highest chaos level ever2024-05-09T11:47:55-04:00

The E-2 Investor Visa Roadblock


The E-2 Investor visa provides opportunities for foreign nationals to put on their entrepreneurial hat and start a business, invest in that business and get a visa to run their new business in the U.S. For those reasons, I call this visa the “Entrepreneurial visa.” Still, it is technically called the “Treaty Investor visa” because […]

The E-2 Investor Visa Roadblock2024-01-02T12:12:23-05:00

Making The Immigration Process Prohibitively Expensive – Is this the right way to curb immigration?


Have you ever heard of pork-barrel legislation? Do you know where the money that taxpayers pay goes? If you take the time to read through an entire bill that is signed into law that has anything to do with spending or budgets, you will be amazed to find line items that have absolutely nothing […]

Making The Immigration Process Prohibitively Expensive – Is this the right way to curb immigration?2024-01-02T12:10:52-05:00

Title 42, The Covid Excuse and The Equal Application of the Law to ALL


In April, I wrote a column about how the use of Title 42 not to follow due process and adequately process the removal of migrants who illegally entered the U.S. was outdated, given that the Covid epidemic had all but disappeared. On November 15, a federal judge agreed with me and struck it down.

Judge […]

Title 42, The Covid Excuse and The Equal Application of the Law to ALL2023-09-27T13:08:46-04:00

The elephant in the room was ignored, or maybe it’s not an elephant at all?


In the buildup to the mid-term elections, there was a lot of talk about US immigration, how the system was broken, what would be done with the thousands of migrants coming across the border illegally, and what America wanted to do with them or not. For many past mid-term elections, this was a political […]

The elephant in the room was ignored, or maybe it’s not an elephant at all?2024-01-02T12:22:36-05:00

With COVID essentially behind us, what should the U.S.’s policy be towards migrants on the border?


In the twenty years that I have been practicing immigration law, only one topic has remained hot; Illegal border crossings of immigrants, the lack of a coherent government policy to deal with it, and the debate over the effects that this has on the U.S. economy.

First of all, there is one thing that we […]

With COVID essentially behind us, what should the U.S.’s policy be towards migrants on the border?2023-12-18T09:54:14-05:00

The Madness and Stupidity of Reciprocity and Visa Validity Periods


Recently, the U.S. randomly decided to lower the E-2 visa validity from 60 months to 18 months for Danish citizens. The E-2 visa, one which is used by many entrepreneurs launching U.S. companies as well as existing companies to send employees to U.S. subsidiaries to work, is used worldwide, and is an extremely attractive […]

The Madness and Stupidity of Reciprocity and Visa Validity Periods2023-12-18T09:56:55-05:00

Martin Luther King Jr. Day; An Important Day for Reflection on the Struggle to Achieve Equal Rights in America.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day serves as an annual reminder of what happened in this country, so we don’t forget. It is a day for all people who live in the U.S., whether White, Black, Asian, Latino, or any other background, to reflect on what this day means. In November 2020, I took a […]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day; An Important Day for Reflection on the Struggle to Achieve Equal Rights in America.2023-12-18T10:06:54-05:00

A Brief Respite from the Madness: Consular Interviews for Certain Visas Waived for 2022


The good news on the U.S. immigration front has been few and far between since Covid-19 shut down the world in March of 2021. It’s hard to fathom all the barriers that the U.S. government created in that lapse of time, including country-specific bars to entry which kept millions of people from traveling to […]

A Brief Respite from the Madness: Consular Interviews for Certain Visas Waived for 20222023-12-18T10:07:46-05:00
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