Title 42, The Covid Excuse and The Equal Application of the Law to ALL


In April, I wrote a column about how the use of Title 42 not to follow due process and adequately process the removal of migrants who illegally entered the U.S. was outdated, given that the Covid epidemic had all but disappeared. On November 15, a federal judge agreed with me and struck it down.

Judge […]

Title 42, The Covid Excuse and The Equal Application of the Law to ALL2024-11-05T14:30:03-05:00

The elephant in the room was ignored, or maybe it’s not an elephant at all?


In the buildup to the mid-term elections, there was a lot of talk about US immigration, how the system was broken, what would be done with the thousands of migrants coming across the border illegally, and what America wanted to do with them or not. For many past mid-term elections, this was a political […]

The elephant in the room was ignored, or maybe it’s not an elephant at all?2024-11-05T14:39:17-05:00

The Madness and Stupidity of Reciprocity and Visa Validity Periods


Recently, the U.S. randomly decided to lower the E-2 visa validity from 60 months to 18 months for Danish citizens. The E-2 visa, one which is used by many entrepreneurs launching U.S. companies as well as existing companies to send employees to U.S. subsidiaries to work, is used worldwide, and is an extremely attractive […]

The Madness and Stupidity of Reciprocity and Visa Validity Periods2023-12-18T09:56:55-05:00

Martin Luther King Jr. Day; An Important Day for Reflection on the Struggle to Achieve Equal Rights in America.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day serves as an annual reminder of what happened in this country, so we don’t forget. It is a day for all people who live in the U.S., whether White, Black, Asian, Latino, or any other background, to reflect on what this day means. In November 2020, I took a […]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day; An Important Day for Reflection on the Struggle to Achieve Equal Rights in America.2023-12-18T10:06:54-05:00

Finally, the U.S. is open for business again. Travel Ban Lifted!


Good news for U.S. businesses, foreign investors and entrepreneurs, and the U.S. economy in general: For almost 20 months, the U.S. was closed for business, at least to people from 36 countries. Now it is finally open again and the effects, both short-term and long-term will be very positive.

As soon as Covid hit and […]

Finally, the U.S. is open for business again. Travel Ban Lifted!2024-11-06T10:56:47-05:00

Trump vs. Biden


9 months into the Biden administration, what are the fundamental differences between the administrations when it comes to immigration?

Consistency is one. The Trump administration was anti-immigrant from the beginning and was consistent for four years in closing the doors to immigrants, both physically and metaphorically. The administration changed the way that immigration law was […]

Trump vs. Biden2024-11-06T11:16:58-05:00

The National Interest Exception (NIE) is here to stay, for now.


The National Interest Exception (NIE) is here to stay, for now. Recently the administration announced that Presidential Proclamation 10143, which suspends direct travel to the United States from the Schengen countries, UK, Ireland, South Africa, Brazil, Iran, China, Iran, and India, would be in place “for the time being”. In doing so, it also […]

The National Interest Exception (NIE) is here to stay, for now.2024-11-19T15:13:43-05:00

US Government’s Discrimination of Foreign Nationals in 2021


We watch the news each day and we see a common theme in America: Marginalized groups want what they deserve: to receive the same treatment and protections as allowed by law, which translates into equal opportunities. The reality is that minorities and women do not receive the same treatment and that the law does […]

US Government’s Discrimination of Foreign Nationals in 20212024-12-02T13:52:12-05:00

National Interest Exemption Gutted


On March 2, significant changes were made to the criteria for granting National Interest Exceptions to Presidential Proclamation 10143 (extending PP 9993), which suspends travel from Schengen countries, the Ireland and UK to the United States.

The exception was extremely useful in facilitating direct travel from these countries for foreign nationals who make a strong economic […]

National Interest Exemption Gutted2024-12-02T13:54:24-05:00

E-2 Visas and the Eternal Question: How much is required for investment?


Whenever I advise a potential or existing client on the E-2 visa process, the inevitable question always pops up: “How much do I absolutely have to invest to qualify?, “How much is enough”. My answer is always very lawyerlike : “It depends”.

What does it depend on? First of all, it depends on the size […]

E-2 Visas and the Eternal Question: How much is required for investment?2024-12-02T13:58:02-05:00
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