{2 minutes to read} For the first time in many years, applicants will need to pay substantially higher fees for certain visa petitions. The fees are set to increase on December 23, 2016.
If you file anytime before that date, you will only have to pay the current, less expensive fees.
All documents submitted with an incorrect fee starting on the 23rd of December will be returned. You will not get a letter from USCIS asking for the difference in the amounts owed. Instead, you will simply have your entire petition rejected. This can result in loss of status if current status is set to expire. Human error is not accepted as a justification for maintaining the original submission date.
The fee increases are quite significant. They range from 17% all the way up to 250% of the fees that are currently charged.
Below, I’ve included some of the major fee increases that will go into effect on December 23, 2016:
If you are thinking about, or are eligible for certain visa petitions, make sure to submit them before the 23rd of December to obtain significant savings in filing fees. Please contact me today with questions or comments at smaggi@smalawyers.com.
Steve Maggi, Esq.
SMA Law Firm
U.S. Immigration & Consular Law