President Trump: “The Cleansing” and the chaos that might ensue


As we have seen many times in history, often with horrific consequences, new leaders frequently try to purge their enemies when taking power. In the case of the potential second term of Donald Trump, his primary public target appears to be immigrants.

President Trump has often outlined his goal of “mass deportations.” There are numerous […]

President Trump: “The Cleansing” and the chaos that might ensue2024-11-08T15:27:27-05:00

Why the H-1B Visa cap Should be Eliminated


Addressing the Mismatch: Eliminating the H-1B Cap to Meet Employer Demand for Employment-Based Visas in the US

The United States has long been a land of opportunity, attracting global talent and fostering innovation. However, the current system of employment-based visas falls short in meeting the increasing demand from employers. One particular visa category, the H-1B, has […]

Why the H-1B Visa cap Should be Eliminated2024-11-04T14:56:20-05:00

Remembering Steve Cozzi, an amazing lawyer and friend


Steve Cozzi was one of those rare people you meet in life that made you want to get to know them well, all with a handshake and a few minutes of conversation. He radiated kindness, sincerity, empathy, and genuine nature, and he believed steadfastly in justice and that the law was a positive force […]

Remembering Steve Cozzi, an amazing lawyer and friend2024-11-05T11:25:08-05:00

The A to Z of US Immigration


U.S. Immigration law is an alphabet soup of visa categories and concepts, and I thought it would be interesting to try to go from A to Z and see if I could come up with something for each letter. Here goes!

A: Alien – This is the term used for any foreign national involved in […]

The A to Z of US Immigration2024-11-05T13:14:01-05:00

From US citizens to Personas Non Grata to US citizens again


The Ortegas were all U.S. citizens, from the grandfather, Joaquin Sr., to his son, Joaquin Jr., and Jr.’s wife, Laura, and their three kids, including 17-year-old Joaquin III. What made this family unique was that they were all U.S. citizens, but they were all born in, and still living in, the Dominican Republic.

Joaquin Jr. […]

From US citizens to Personas Non Grata to US citizens again2024-11-05T13:30:19-05:00

Why “Rock Stars” Deserve Green Cards Too!


The recent Super Bowl ad, which had the godfather of heavy metal, Ozzy Osbourne, and Paul Stanley, the face of glam rock, objecting to the use of the term “Rock Star” for non-music-related overachievers was proof positive of the modern-day ubiquity of the term to connote being at the top of your field.

In 2017, […]

Why “Rock Stars” Deserve Green Cards Too!2024-11-05T13:34:49-05:00

Tech layoffs mean massive foreign national casualties and abandoning the heart of Tech success


Google recently laid off 12,000 U.S.-based workers, following a trend of other prominent US Tech companies that recently had massive layoffs.

The engine that drives these companies are the engineers and tech workers, and many of them are foreign nationals who are sponsored by the Googles of the world. Google simply downsizes/adjusts/streamlines (use whatever term […]

Tech layoffs mean massive foreign national casualties and abandoning the heart of Tech success2024-11-05T13:40:14-05:00

Making The Immigration Process Prohibitively Expensive – Is this the right way to curb immigration?


Have you ever heard of pork-barrel legislation? Do you know where the money that taxpayers pay goes? If you take the time to read through an entire bill that is signed into law that has anything to do with spending or budgets, you will be amazed to find line items that have absolutely nothing […]

Making The Immigration Process Prohibitively Expensive – Is this the right way to curb immigration?2024-11-05T14:22:40-05:00

The Madness and Stupidity of Reciprocity and Visa Validity Periods


Recently, the U.S. randomly decided to lower the E-2 visa validity from 60 months to 18 months for Danish citizens. The E-2 visa, one which is used by many entrepreneurs launching U.S. companies as well as existing companies to send employees to U.S. subsidiaries to work, is used worldwide, and is an extremely attractive […]

The Madness and Stupidity of Reciprocity and Visa Validity Periods2023-12-18T09:56:55-05:00

Martin Luther King Jr. Day; An Important Day for Reflection on the Struggle to Achieve Equal Rights in America.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day serves as an annual reminder of what happened in this country, so we don’t forget. It is a day for all people who live in the U.S., whether White, Black, Asian, Latino, or any other background, to reflect on what this day means. In November 2020, I took a […]
Martin Luther King Jr. Day; An Important Day for Reflection on the Struggle to Achieve Equal Rights in America.2023-12-18T10:06:54-05:00
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